Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Long Time Coming

I've been thinking about blogging for a while. I think I always knew I would eventually do it. It was just the question of when. Lately I've been experimenting with making different things at home. Things such as...lotion, deodorant, laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent, crackers, granola bars, fruit bars, etc. There is just so much junk that goes into food and body products these days and I prefer to control what goes in and on my family's body. Not to mention it's cheaper! I've had several people ask for my recipes, so I figured why not put all of my thoughts and such in one place! This blog will be full of recipes, thoughts, things going on in our life, and of course my adorable kiddos. I hope you find at least a small percentage of my posts somewhat enjoyable or informative! :)