Monday, July 5, 2010

Homemade Granola Bars...Easy and Tasty!

Recently I've been on the search for products that don't have HFCS (High-fructose corn syrup) in them. There have been a lot of debates about whether or not the stuff is harmful for you and let's face it...I'd rather not gamble with my family's health. It's linked with obesity and some researchers say that it tricks your brain into thinking your still hungry, when you're not! So, in my search, you know what I found? It's in EVERYTHING! Well, at least in the majority of processed foods...soft drinks (we don't keep these around anyway), cereal, crackers, syrup, yogurt, ketchup, and the list goes on. You can find some these same foods without HFCS, but it isn't easy. Hunt's recently started making their ketchup with no HFCS and says so on the front of their label and Log Cabin is the only syrup that I've been able to find (at Walmart) that doesn't have HFCS in it. Needless to say, I figured the easiest way to ensure there isn't any junk in our food was to make it myself (plus it's usually cheaper)! Thus began my search of recipes. I found this recipe at JoyfulAbode and tried it out just the other day. I must say...we love it! I had to do a little tweaking since I didn't have all the dried fruit and nuts she had. Maybe I'll try a little something different next time.

Preheat oven to 400℉

-2 cups oats
-3/4 cup wheat germ
-3/4 cup sunflower seeds
-1 cup peanuts, crushed (I didn't have these, so I just added another cup of oats instead)
-2/3 cup brown sugar
-1/2 cup honey
-4 tbsp butter
-2 tsp vanilla extract
-1/2 tsp salt
-8 oz dried fruit (if you want)

Combine the oats, wheat germ, and nuts in a baking dish with sides. Toast them in the oven for 10-12 minutes, stirring every few minutes so they don't burn. While your grains and nuts are toasting, line another baking dish (I used a 9x13) with wax paper (about double the length of the dish) and spray lightly with nonstick spray.

Put the brown sugar, honey, butter, vanilla, and salt into a small saucepan and bring to a simmer, stirring constantly. You basically just want it all good and melted. Your grains and nuts should now be toasted. Stir your grains and nuts, brown sugar mixture, and dried fruit (if you included this) together in a large bowl. Make sure it's mixed really well.

Pour the mixture into your wax paper lined dish.
Now fold over the sides of your wax paper and press hard. You want to make sure it doesn't fall apart when you cut it. Just beware when I made mine, I think I pressed too hard. They were really hard to cut and bite into, but they didn't fall apart! Haha! Next time I make them, I won't press SO hard!

Wait until the granola has completely cooled (about 2-3 hours) then carefully turn it out onto a cutting board and peel back the wax paper.

Get out a big knife and cut the granola into bars, pressing firmly but not sawing. And voila! There you have your tasty, all-natural granola bars!


  1. Awesome! Yay for natural recipes! Thanks for posting this. I hope to try it soon! :)

  2. Can I just say... my wife rocks! This Granola bars are off the chain!

  3. um, yummy! i think i'll have to try these too.
